Notes from a knitting mom

Notes from a knitting mom

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well I never found the charger so I only had enough juice for one shot and I have decided my camera sucks at photographing anything PURPLE! So yeah the photo makes me look like I have blue hair when it really looks like this
Plus you are seeing a very rare thing here. I never leave my house or take photos of myself with out my bald head covered! LOL I tried a little Donald trump comb over for you though, I couldn't bare it all for you!

So tomorrow if its sunny and I find that damn charger I will attempt another shot at the color but I'm afraid that I will be doing this with most of it covered being that our yard isn't privet. and I'm stressing enough at showing the world once my bald head.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and say hello on my special SITS day.

    PS - You're right. Tori's boobs always look wonky no matter what she wears.

  2. I loooooove the purple :) How awesome is that? I used to have long blue and hot pink hair, but dang, the maintenance was insane!!

  3. Thanks the purple really does look very purple in person. I like to keep one color for about a month, then I get bored with it and move to the next.
